Find Files from a directory

This script will optain the files of a certain type located in the specified directory. 
path is the directory
ext is the extension such as txt for text files or imd for idea files
files() is the array that will hold all the files that are returned.

The following is an example of how you might acall it if you are looking for imd files

If (FindFiles(thisDir & "\", "imd", files) = True) Then
    x = UBound(files)
    ReDim listbox1$(x)
    For i = 0 To x     
       listbox1$(i) = files(i)
End If

Private Function FindFiles(path As String,  ext As String,  files())

   Dim ffile As String
   Dim firstbackspace As String
   Dim firstbackspacenum As Integer
   Dim importname As String
   ffile = Dir$(path & "*." & ext)
   If Len(ffile) = 0 Then Exit Function
   '-------- Dir ext = *.ext* fixing by checking length
      firstbackspace = strReverse (ffile)
      firstbackspacenum  = InStr(1,firstbackspace, ".")
      importname = Right(ffile, firstbackspacenum - 1)   
         If Len(importname) = Len(ext) Then
            If Not IsNull(ffile) Then
               '-------- If one value found return function true and redim array
               If (FindFiles = False) Then    
                  ReDim files(0)
                  FindFiles = True
                  ReDim Preserve files(UBound(files) + 1)   
               End If
               files(UBound(files)) = ffile
               Exit Do
            End If
        End If
    ffile = Dir       
    Loop Until Len(ffile) = 0
End Function