Horizontal and Vertical - under View and Tabs

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Brian Element
Joined: 07/11/2012 - 19:57
Horizontal and Vertical - under View and Tabs

Hello Group Members,

Let's say you have opened two IDEA databases within IDEA. For ease of comparison and quick visual review you would like to have both the databases opened on the IDEA screen at the same time.  As as example to ensure the field names are the same for a quick two file append - merging of databases.
Horizontal under View and Tabs ensures that you organise both the IDEA databases to open at the same time in a split screen view. File 1 will open at the top and File 2 below File 1. 
Vertical on the other hand will open File 1 on the left and File 2 on the right of the IDEA screen next to File 1.
There are other ways Horizontal and Vertical can be done within IDEA using a simple drag and drop and not through View and Tab. Has any Group member tried the same out? Would welcome your inputs?
Best Regards
Group Admin Team