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Custom Function Request


Do you want or need a custom function. Ask for it in this forum and maybe someone will be able to help you out.

Get Next or Previous Value

Hi Guys,
Is there a way to return the second or third next or previous record values using the get next/previous functions or perhaps a custom function to do that.
I am trying to match 2/3 records in sequence and also return a value based on the 2/3 records in sequence as such i had employed the get next/previous functions.I want to return the second/third next or previous record value whereas the get next / previous value functions only allows me to return the immediate next or previous value.

Convert an hexadecimal value to decimal value

Hi there,
I have a colleague who would like to convert hexadecimal value into decimal. I made some research on the internet to see how I can do that, but I kind of struggle to create a simple function !
Also one of the value need to have the formal of an IP address.
If anyone have some suggestions, please be free to share :)
Thanks in advance !

Idea Function similar to Excel CountIF function

Hi guys,
Please help me with a function that is similar to the Excel COUNTIF function which  counts the number of cells in a range, that meets a given criteria.
I want to count number of records that match a particular criteria, in my case i want to sum all records' totals  before a certain sum total is reached. These records are ordered in time, as such the count/sum should be in time sequence.

Automatic Field Name Updates

Hi Brian
I am trying to create a custom script that will automatically update field names without manually updating each of them using Field Manipulation. Essentially I would import two separate files. One would contain the "Raw Field Name" and "Updated Field Name". The other file would be the dataset on which the field names need to be updated. I have attached an example dataset. For example:
The field AN8 represents the Employee Number. In the Data Set Tab we would need to rename the column "AN8" to "Employee Number".

Assistance with Time Ageing

Hi Brian,
How am I able to calculate the time age within the records in the database.
From the attached screen, I would like to find out the age time between row2 & row3. How am I suppose to do that.
I can do that in Excel with the =text(B3-B2,"hh:mm:ss") command, what's the @function to be used in IDEA?
Any help would be much appreciated here.
Thank you in advance.

Custom function to determine the value at the seventh position

Hi Brian
I am trying to write a custom fucntion that will return the value at the position number seven from a 13 digit number eg:
7801315046080 - The value at position seven is "5" in this case.
Once I have this value, I need to write an IF statement as follows:
If the value at position 7 is between 0 and 4, it must return "Female" and "No Exception" in two different columns and If the value is at position 7 is between 5 and 9, it must return "Male" and "Exception" in two different columns.