Get the field name
Brian Element
This function will get a field name of a field given its location within the database. If the location is -1 it will default to the last field name.
I have updated the script, it now uses 0 to find the last entry and negative numbers to find the field name starting from the right.
'* Function: getFieldName
'* Purpose: It will find a field name based on its position in the database, use 0
'* for the last field, a positive number to find a field counting from the left
'* and a negative number to find a field from the right
'* Accepts: Filename of the file and an integer representing the location of the field
'* Returns: The field name
Function getFieldName(filename As String, position As Integer) As String
Dim db As database
Dim ThisTable As table
Dim fieldInfo As Object
Dim noOfFields As Integer
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase(filename)
Set ThisTable = db.TableDef
If position = 0 Then
noOfFields = ThisTable.Count
ElseIf position < 0 Then
noOfFields = ThisTable.Count
noOfFields = noOfFields + position
noOfFields = position
End If
Set fieldInfo = ThisTable.GetFieldAt(noOfFields)
getFieldName = fieldInfo.Name
Set fieldInfo = Nothing
Set ThisTable = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function