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New IDEA site, Certification program and AuditNet®

Here is a round-up of some of the things happening over at IDEA these days.

New IDEA support site

IDEA now has a new web site called CaseWare Analytics. It has lots of resources such as videos, tutorials, etc.  If you haven't found it yet you should check it out.

Access to AuditNet® programs, templates and resources

IDEA is now allowing IDEA users access to AuditNet® audit programs. AuditNet® is a "global resource for auditors" with thousands of audit programs.  Being an auditor and having access to all this information I believe is a big plus for IDEA users.  Here is the IDEA press release.

Certification Program

IDEA has just come out with a new certification program.  It is now possible to become a Certified IDEA Data Analyst (CIDA) and/or a Certified IDEAScript Expert (CISE).

CIDA basically certifies that you know how to use IDEA and do the different types of analysis.  CISE certifies that you know how to create scripts.  Both of these certifications are brand new to IDEA.

To obtain the CIDA designation you will have to take the intro, intermediate and advanced courses and then write a multiple choice exam.  You also have the option to do the exam without taking any of the courses and if you have enough experience using IDEA.  The same for CISE, you need to have taken the intro, intermediate and scripting courses and then write the exam.  In this instance the exam is a mix of multiple choice questions, short scripting questions and the creation of one original script.

Some of the benefits to taking these certifications is that your name (with your approval) will be added to a website of certified IDEA professionals, you will become a recognized IDEA professional, etc.

You can find more information about the certification at this site.  If you want to discuss this please feel free to leave a message or add a comment in the forum.  So what are your thoughts on the new certification program?

Humphrey Thu, 08/12/2021 - 10:42

I believe CaseWare are yet to integrate with AuditNet to allow IDEA users have access to information in AuditNet. I just tried and now AuditNet are demanding some dollars from me.

Brian Element Sat, 08/14/2021 - 09:00

In reply to by Humphrey

Hi Humphrey, 

You need to access AuditNet through Passport.  So open IDEA, access passport and log into it.  There should be a menu item called AuditNet and then a button allowing you to access the premium AuditNet.  You can't access it directly.

Humphrey Wed, 02/01/2023 - 00:39

Helo Brian,
The AuditNet item is no longer there on Passport (I am using IDEA v12). We herefore have no way of accessing AuditNet resources.

Brian Element Wed, 02/01/2023 - 08:17

In reply to by Humphrey

Hi Humphrey,

AuditNet was purchased by another company and decided to stop their ties with IDEA.  The only way to access AuditNet resources is to go directly to their site and purchase a subscription.
