The IDEALab has a plugin that will do just this called the range join. Here is its description.
The Range Join plugin joins records between two databases based on a range. It looks at a value (Numeric, Date or Time) in one database and then searches the secondary database to see if that value falls between two fields (values). Example: This can be useful to validate an interest rate of a transaction when you have a separate database containing the effective rates (with start and end dates).
Hi cprimo,
Hi cprimo,
The IDEALab has a plugin that will do just this called the range join. Here is its description.
The Range Join plugin joins records between two databases based on a range. It looks at a value (Numeric, Date or Time) in one database and then searches the secondary database to see if that value falls between two fields (values). Example: This can be useful to validate an interest rate of a transaction when you have a separate database containing the effective rates (with start and end dates).