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installing a menu called macros

I recently finished a menu that invokes various macros or scripts, and created the project that is going to contain that menu, set it up in the IDEA ribbon.
the question is:
where do the macros or scripts reside do they have to be projects too?
What are the best practices for this menu to work and not give me an error?
have the programs in the menu project in the library macros.ILB ?
Thanks it's my first application in IDEA Scritps

Brian Element Tue, 08/09/2022 - 08:36

If you have one macro that does everything then you could place it anywhere and link it to the IDEA ribbon as macros by default work on the project working folder, so it doesn't matter where they are installed.

If you have a macro that calls another macro then that macro needs to know where it is located.  If the macro is only for yourself then that is fine, you can hard code the links into the macro but if you are sharing it with others you can't do that.  In that case the best place would be to place it in:

C:\Users\username\Documents\My IDEA Documents\Local Library\Macros.ILB

When access the script you can use the following function to access it:

Client.LocalLibraryPath() & "Macros.ILB\my script.iss"

The Client.LocalLibraryPath() I believe was added in V11 so make sure you have the latest version of IDEA.