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Sudoku game for IDEA through IDEAScript.


This script shows that you can create games using IDEAScript.  This is the Sudoku game with four level of difficulties.

Sudoku image

When the script first loads in it creates a puzzle at the beginner difficulty.  If you want another disfficulty select the difficulty level and click on the New button to generate the puzzle.  Depending on the speed of your computer this might take a few seconds.  The solve button shows the solution to the puzzle and the Finish button well indicate if you have correctly solved the puzzle, you you have not you can go back and make corrections.



Brian Element Thu, 08/21/2014 - 07:36

Thanks, it came out of a bit of a bet with one of the consultants at IDEA, I will also probably use this when I do any script training to show the potential of scripting within IDEA.  I am working on my next game, hopefully it will be ready in a couple of weeks.