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Admissibility Tests in IDEA - Case Study on Retail Loan Financing

Hello Group Members,

Admissibility checks can be exercised and applied in IDEA to check for actual events or transactions which are not as per the norm or eligible masters.
Let us view this through a Case Study on Retail Loan Financing for a Bank.
You have a Retail Loan Financing data dump for a Bank which contains Loans financed under various Product Categories like 'Vehicle Loans - 2 Wheeler', 'Vehicle Loans - 4 Wheeler', 'Consumer Durable Loans' and more. There are say around 20 unique Product Categories under Financing.
The other Master dump you have contains the Product Category with the City eligible for such Product Financing.
So the Admissibility check applicable here is to identify Products financed in ineligible Cities as per the Master dump.
This Admissibility check can be achieved in IDEA as below ~
(a) Open the Retail Loan Financing data dump.
(b) Click on Analysis - Relate - Join and in the Join dialog box select the Master dump as the Secondary database with the Retail Loan Financing data dump being the Primary database.
(c) Select the Matching Key Fields as Product Code and City Code in both the Primary and Secondary files.
(d) Now in the Join dialog box select the matching option 'Records with No Secondary Match' to look for Products financed in ineligible Cities as per the Master dump.
Just for illustration, another area where Admissibility Checks can be applied in IDEA is to identify Employees getting Allowances in their Payroll which are not as per the Master Circular of Grades and / or Designation and / or City.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team