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Check if excel workbook is open

Hi Brian,
I hope you are well.
I'm running a macro that creates an excel output file.
If the macro has been run previously, and the user has that excel output file open, the macro will crash when it tries to export.
To avoid this, I would like to use my script to check if any previously exported excel file is open.
The macro can then pause, prompt the user to close the file, and then will overwrite it.
I have searched the forum and see a similar question was asked some years ago.
However, you noted at the time that the code was quite complex.
I'm hoping that you might have come across this situation since then and maybe have a workable solution?
As always,
thanks in advance,

pcallan0 Mon, 02/20/2023 - 05:21

Wondering if anyone can help on this please?
Basically need the script to check if a specific excel file is open .