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Collect All Files ideascripts in a project

Hi there.

I have may Idea files (*.IDM) in a project. Is there a way to collect every single ideascript for those idea files?

Thanks in advance.

Brian Element Thu, 01/24/2019 - 10:58

Hello idemnos,

I am not 100% sure I understand the questions but IDEAScripts are generally stored in the Macros.ILB folder but in theory they can be located in any folder of your machine.  Probably the easiest way is to go to windows explorer and just do a search on iss or ism (for unicode) to find the different scripts on your machine.  Hopefully that is what you are looking for if not let me know and I will try and answer your question.


idemnos Thu, 01/24/2019 - 11:18

Hi, again. I was reviewing Macros.ILB folders and couldn't find any info. the folder is empty. I am able to export the "history" info to text that surely saves the ideascript to text, but i have to do it file by file, and I would lke to do it once for all of them.

Brian Element Thu, 01/24/2019 - 12:24

In reply to by idemnos

They also might be located in the local library, you can check in file explorer, this is the default link: C:\Users\username\Documents\My IDEA Documents\Local Library\Macros.ILB

After that do a search of your harddrive for ism files.  I believe their are ism files for Unicode and iss for ASCII versions of IDEA.