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Compare Data Set to a list of Keywords and find (contains) matches

Hi.  I am working on a project to compare a data set DATATABLE with customer names (CUSTNAME field) against a separate table KEYWORDS with 1000 words.  I want to either filter, or extract/return, results if there is a the CUSTNAME field contains any word in KEYWORDS.
Is there a way to do this?  I'm thinking probably a loop to go through each of the data elements in the key words table and then to do a "contains" comparison with isini or something?  Just wanted to see if there was a way, or code available, to do this.  Thanks!

klmi Tue, 08/27/2019 - 04:09

I don't see the need to use a script. Does IDEA function join (db1: DATATABLE; db2: KEYWORDS; compare: field CUSTNAME & field WORDS?; all data from db1) not solve your problem?