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Cook the Books and Book the Ledgers - Part 5

Hello Group Members,

Employee Travel Claims is an area which is ripe and beset with Red-Flags.
Some of the common Red Flags are ~
(a) Inadmissible Claims - claims made for Hotel Stays, Hotel Class, Air Travel Class, Conveyance Type which is not in accordance with the Grade of the Employee.
(b) Employee travels back and forth for an official trip on the same date and claims Hotel Stay.
(c) Employee cuts short his/her trip but claims the Per Diem Allowance for the entire period of travel.
(d) Employee travels the same route but charges higher conveyance reimbursements.
One of the more popular Red-Flags is where an Employee does not feature in the Attendance Data File for a given sequence of dates but puts in a claim for the same set of dates citing work travels.
This Red-Flag can be detected by matching the Attendance Data File with the Travel Claim File based on the Employee Code.
A hit on the Leave Date in the Attendance File with the Travel Date in the Claim File will help us prove our Red-Flag assertion of an Employee not featuring in the Attendance Data File for a given sequence of dates but puts in a claim for the same set of dates citing work travels.
Our next discussion post will cover Red-Flags in Scrap Sales in the Manufacturing process.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team