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cost of IDEA and SDK

Hello @ all,
first of all many thanks to this forum. Here you will always find inspiration for new projects and competent help and advice!
I don't know if someone can help me with my current problem.
In my work I regularly use IDEA10. In this context I have made a suggestion for an extensive macro to make certain processes more efficient. On the part of my German employer I was informed that a corresponding macro would not save any time. I spare myself a comment on this.
I would like to write the macro privately. With a demo version I hope to simplify the renewed decision making process for the corresponding committee.
In order to be able to arrange such a project privately and in my free time, I would like to clarify the framework conditions for me and keep my costs as low as possible:
1. Is there an IDEA trial version with which you can still use IDEA-Scripting?
    And if so, where can I get it?
2. Is there a used older IDEA version available for purchase?
    And if so, where can I get it?
    And what does a version from IDEA9 on cost for the private user?
3. How much does a SDK (Software Development Kit) for the Smart Analyzer cost?
    And are there different levels of permissions or limited functionality?
    [I know a macro works without the Smart Analyzer. But maybe the result can be presented in the luxury version ...]
4. Is there possibly a trial version of the SDK with all functionalities?
Thank you for your support and suggestions in advance!
Unfortunately, I am currently unable to personally approach the national sales partner for IDEA.
And slowly I am running out of IDEAs ...