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Create text file containing field modifications

Is it possible to create an IDEA script generating text file in which list down all field modifications and new field creations?
For example, the field "Date" when imported will be renamed to "SaleDate" and this field will be used to create a new field called "FinalDate" later

Brian Element Tue, 07/23/2019 - 08:38

Hi tryvltkcb,

Just to make sure I am understanding this properly.  You want to create a text file that will list all the field modification and new field creations in an IDEA file?  It would probably be doable but probably not easily as IDEAScript doesn't have access to the history except to create history items.  To get the information you want you would have to pull it out of the project overview which might not be the easiest thing.


tryvltkcb Tue, 07/23/2019 - 22:45

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brian,
This is exactly what I would like to do. I have found your similar script creating text log when appending several databases but I am not sure whether this technique could apply for field modifications & creations (maybe we must go around instead of going straing forward)