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DIalog box (How to change orders based on tab key on the keyboard)

Hi Brian,
I hope you are doing great.
I have created a dialog box in a few days so I added a couple of keys and editbox in diffrenet places on my dialog box.
When we run the dialog to fill the blank boxes out, if we use tab key on the keyboard, the orders is based on the order we have created.
For instance, afterI filling out the project name, it goes to Help button, then it goes to Entity codes and so on. Is it possible to change the orders based on the order on my dialog box?

Brian Element Mon, 03/07/2022 - 09:52

Yes, you can but you will have to open the script in a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad ++.  This is an example in Notepad ++

Each line represents an item in your dialog.  What you need to do is in yours reorder the lines so they are now in the order that you want them tabbed.  Then resave and open it up again in the IDEAScript editor and that should fix your tab order.

talebi Wed, 04/13/2022 - 13:01

Hi Brian,
I hope you are doing well.
I wanted to know if it is possible to save the last entry in the Dialog box? I mean, the previous used values pop up when we run the macros. If it is not possible, can we set up a default values for each box?