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Equation / Criteria to extract Incremental Month Data using Direct Extraction in IDEA

Hello Group Members,

We often end up importing Year to Date (YTD) data into IDEA given the Application System Reporting format within your respective organisation.
To extract incremental Month data from the YTD transactional data using Direct Extraction the following criteria can be applied in the Equation Editor ~
@month(Transaction Date) = @month(@date())
The above equation means extract the month of the Transaction Date (which is a field in your underlying data) where the month of the Transaction Date is equal to the month of the System Date (@date()
So if you have YTD transactional data from say 01.01.18 till 22.11.18 and you need data only for the month of Nov 18 ~ @month(@date()) will give you the month of System Date i.e. 22.11.18 which is 11 (November). So the criteria will help you extract Transaction Date where month is 11.
Now if you need the previous month from the current System Month your criteria will look like ~
@month(Transaction Date) = @month(@date())-1
So the above Criteria with respect to our example will give the month of October 18 - 10
The above is very useful when building Repetitive Analytic macros in IDEA for incremental month range periods.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team