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Errors in dialog

Well I just found something out this morning.  You may or may not know that the IDEAScript editor hides the code for the dialog and instead shows a graphic representation of the dialog, which is great but it does have a few problems.  I had written some code and unfortunately I had named a dialog component in an incorrect format so I was receiving an error.  The problem was that within the editor it was showing the error as being part of the script and not showing the error as part of the dailog.  I finally clued in after realizing that no matter what I did to the script the error kept showing up on the same line, so I opened the script in NetBeans (a nice program for writing code) and saw that the line number was actually pointing to the line number of the dialog that held the error.  Once I figured that out it was an easy fix.  So I guess the moral of the story is that if you come across an error and you know your script is good then it might actually be in the dialog so you need to open it in another editor so you can view the code.