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Export a manualy selected range of records

first of all excuse my bad english.
I will export an IDEA file to excel. But I will only export the records I marked. (ctrl + left mouse klick)My idea is to mark the records (i.g. record-nr 1, 5 and 9) an then start a script to export only these records to excel. (or first to a temporary ideafile an then to excel)
Many thank for your help
Kind regards

Brian Element Tue, 10/13/2015 - 10:14

Hi Thomas, no problem with the English.

Unfortunately using the ctrl + left mouse click won't work with a script as IDEAScript isn't able to know which records you selected.  If you wish to do something like this I would suggest you create a boolean virtual field and then use the boolean field to select which records you want, a script could be created to do that.

Let me know if that is something you would be interested in.



Steven Luciani Wed, 10/14/2015 - 09:38

Hi Thomas,

Since you have to manually go through the IDEA file and select the records you want, I don't think an IDEAScript will help you speed up this activity. There is a feature in IDEA called Save only Selected Records.

After selecting the records you want to eventually export to Excel, you go to the Home ribbon and choose Save As within the Export group. From the window that pops up, you give your file a name and click in the tick box below the file name telling IDEA to save only the selected records, then click the OK button. This will create a new IDEA file with only the records you manually selected from the previous file.

Then from the same Home ribbon under the export group choose Export and pick the appropriate Excel version. From the sreen that pops up you can simply click the OK button and you will get an Excel file saved in your project's export library folder with the same name as the IDEA file from which you just exported.

There are some options available to you on the Export to Excel window that will allow you to name your worksheet, export the data with an index already on a particular field, or allow you to change the name of the file and save it to a different location.

Good Luck