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Find the group that exceeds...

Hello, I have a question regarding IDEAScripting. This is something that I can easily do on SQL but I haven't managed to find a solution for this using IDEA.
Given the sample data on the attached image, I am looking to find a group of transactions, within 5 days from eachother, which sum of amount is above 5000.
For the given data it would be the transactions on the following days:

  • 06/03/2019 and 07/03/2019 totalling 5300;
  • 04/03/2019, 06/03/2019 and 07/03/2019 totalling 5800.

Ultimately, I'll solve this taking advantage of the IDEA's Python integration.
Thanks in advance.

Brian Element Wed, 02/27/2019 - 10:57

Hi myrahz,

For these types of questions you need to use the scripting function of IDEA, I would do this in IDEAScript but if you are doing it in Python it would be great if you could share your code with us so we could learn from it.



ravisdxb Tue, 03/19/2019 - 04:02

Interesting problem. I have put together a quick and dirty code rather than a structured one. Please try this by setting your input db name and output db name (default "result" - this will be created). Limit is defined as a variable and set to 5000 and Gap is defined as a varaible and set to 4 (for a span of 5 days, the gap is 4) so that you could change it later, if required. I added the follwing row to your data just to test the boundary condition - it makes the preceeding 2 rows exceed 5000, but, by itself is not a result candidate, if I understand your requirement correctly.
The code:
Sub Main
 Dim j_predate,j_xdate As Double
 gap=4 ' for a coverage of 5 days, the gap is 4
 ' create outputfile
  Set newtab = Client.NewTableDef
  Set daysfield = newtab.NewField
  daysfield.Type =  WI_CHAR_FIELD
  daysfield.Length = 100
  newtab.AppendField daysfield
  Set amountfield = newtab.NewField
  amountfield.Type= WI_NUM_FIELD
  newtab.AppendField amountfield
  newtab.Protect = False
  Set newdb = Client.NewDatabase(outputfile, "", newtab)
  Set newtab=newdb.TableDef
  Set newrs = newdb.RecordSet
' process the inputfile  
 Set db=Client.OpenDatabase(inputfile)
 Set tab=db.TableDef
 Set rs=db.RecordSet
 For i=1 To recs
  Set rec=rs.ActiveRecord
  ' accumuldate total till the following rows are within 5 days
  While j_xdate<=(j_predate+gap) And x<=recs
   If xdays="_" Then
    xdays=Right(xdate,2) & "/" & Mid(xdate,5,2) & "/" & Left(xdate,4) & " (" & amt & ")"
   xdays=xdays & ", " & Right(xdate,2) & "/" & Mid(xdate,5,2) & "/" & Left(xdate,4) & " (" & amt & ")"
   End If
   ' everytime total exceeds limit, add one instance in the result
   If tot>limit Then
    Set newrec=newrs.NewRecord
    newrec.SetCharValue "DAYS", xdays
    newrec.setNumValue "AMOUNT", tot
    newrs.AppendRecord newrec   
   End If
   If x<recs Then
    Set rec=rs.ActiveRecord
   End If
 Set rs=Nothing
 Set tab=Nothing
 Set newrs=Nothing
 Set newtab=Nothing
 Set db=Nothing
 Set newdb=Nothing
  End Sub