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Frequently encountered unintentional Faux Pas in IDEA and their Resolution



We have all at some time in our IDEA usage come across the following unintentional 'Faux Pas' in IDEA -


a. We go to Field Statistics but are unable to view any numeric statistics for amount fields


Resolution - the subject amount fields are not in a numeric format. They have been imported as character. Change from character to numeric using Field Manipulation - Modify Fields


b. We open Aging but are unable to choose any date field for aging


Resolution - Aging in IDEA requires atleast one date field in the active database. The data field on which you intend to perform the aging has been imported as a character field. Use Field Manipulation - Modify Fields to change the field type from character to date and enter a relevant mask for the date by the side.


c. We apply specific character @Functions in the Equation Editor and receive an error 'mismatch field type'


Resolution - Character @Functions quite naturally work on character fields. In all probability the subject fields have got imported as a numeric field instead of character. Once again use Field Manipulation - Modify Fields to switch field type from numeric to character. Don't forget to apply the maximum length to avoid field value auto truncation.