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get error messages or notes persistent

if you are testing macros in idea or if a macro is rolled out you maybe want
error messages an things like this persistent.

also if you have messages in your script that should inform the user what is going on
you maybe do not want a showstopper like a msgbox...

so just try something like this:

please format the code ;)


Sub Main

Dim a As Integer
Dim b As Integer

a = 0
b = 1

If a <> b Then

'the information sArg1 and sArg2 will be inserted in the ProtTable
sArg1 = "Modul ABC"
sArg2 = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, ..."

Client.RunIDEAScriptEx "protTable.ISS", sArg1, sArg2, "", ""

End If

End Sub

Sub Main

Dim sModulText As String
Dim sDescription As String
Dim sProtTable As String

sModulText = ""
sDescription = ""
sProtTable = ""

sModulText = arg1
sDescription = arg2

' does the protTable exists?
sProtTable = Dir(Client.WorkingDirectory + "ProtTable.imd")

If iIsBlank(sProtTable) = 1 Then

'if it does NOT exists:

'01. create table
Dim NewTable As Table
Set NewTable = Client.NewTableDef

' create first column:
Dim AddedField As Field
Set AddedField = NewTable.NewField
AddedField.Name = "modul"
AddedField.Type = WI_CHAR_FIELD
AddedField.Length = 500
' add first column.
NewTable.AppendField AddedField

' create second column:
Set AddedField = NewTable.NewField
AddedField.Name = "description"
AddedField.Type = WI_CHAR_FIELD
AddedField.Length = 500
' add second column
NewTable.AppendField AddedField

' create third column
Set AddedField = NewTable.NewField
AddedField.Name = "timestamp"
AddedField.Type = WI_CHAR_FIELD
AddedField.Length = 500
' add third column
NewTable.AppendField AddedField

' disable tables write protection
NewTable.Protect = False

' create table
Dim db As Database
Set db = Client.NewDatabase("ProtTable.IMD", "", NewTable)

'02. insert data into table
Dim rs As RecordSet
Set rs = db.RecordSet

' new data set
Dim rec As Record
Set rec = rs.NewRecord

' insert data
rec.SetCharValue "Modul", sModulText
rec.SetCharValue "Description", sDescription
rec.SetCharValue "Timestamp", Now()
rs.AppendRecord rec

' enable tables write protection
NewTable.Protect = True


'03. table column write protection
Set table = db.TableDef

Set field = table.GetField("Modul")
field.Protected = True

Set field = table.GetField("Description")
field.Protected = True

Set field = table.GetField("Timestamp")
field.Protected = True

' memory
Set field = Nothing
Set table = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set AddedField = Nothing
Set NewTable = Nothing


'if table exists

'01. table instantiate
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase ("ProtTable.IMD")
Set table = db.TableDef

'disable table protection
Table.Protect = False

'02. insert additional data
Dim rs2 As RecordSet
Set rs2 = db.RecordSet

' new data set
Dim rec2 As Record
Set rec2 = rs2.NewRecord

' insert data
rec2.SetCharValue "Modul", sModulText
rec2.SetCharValue "Description", sDescription
rec2.SetCharValue "Timestamp", Now()
rs2.AppendRecord rec2

' enable tables write protection
Table.Protect = True


'03. table column write protection
Set field = table.GetField("Modul")
field.Protected = True

Set field = table.GetField("Description")
field.Protected = True

Set field = table.GetField("Timestamp")
field.Protected = True


' memory
Set field = Nothing
Set table = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End If

Client.WorkingDirectory = Client.WorkingDirectory
End Sub


Brian Element Thu, 10/25/2012 - 08:42

CB, thanks for sharing this script.  This is something that I could find really useful in the future.  What a great way to track errors.  You could probably also use it to track errors such as using this with the On Error function.

CB Fri, 10/26/2012 - 00:42

hi brian,

that is right! in combination with the error handler it is also very useful... i combinate it with the on error function most time when i am testing..

but you could use this in many cases... and if the function of this script is not useful you have a nice snippet for create a table and insert data into this table... :-)
