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Group Records - Convenient Utility and Function in IDEA

Hi Group,


Let's say you have Production Output file for a manufacturing unit and you would like to know which production/machine centres from the shop floor are covered in the said file. Now one way you can achieve your objective is to Summarize the data by Production/Machine Centre Number. This creates an extracted child file of unique Production/Machine Centres which can be used for review and also exported. Now let's say you wish to generate a display-only view just for quick reference and not extraction. One that can be temporarily turned to Group On and Group Off in a jiffy. If this is your requirement, Group Records is your Go To function in IDEA.


The Group Records task is a convenient utility and function in IDEA which allows the user to organise matching records in indexed fields (keys) into expandable / collapsible groups. This task provides a display-only view for reference purposes and not an extracted database.


Quick Tip - the Group Records task performs faster if your underlying IDEA database has been previously indexed on the field (s) selected as the key (s).


Best Regards


Group Admin Team