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How to add items to CirSimpleList in Dialog

Can anybody tell me the syntax to add items to a CirSimpleList placed in Idea Scripting Dialog control? 

Brian Element Wed, 07/05/2017 - 09:30

Hi Rini,

When you say CirSimpleList do you mean a list box, combo box or drop down combo box such as these?

You migth want to watch this video to give you a better understanding:

For each of these boxes if you look in the properties you will see a property called Attched List, this holds the name of the array that attaches to the box.

You would give it a name such as listbox1$() (the $ sign indicates it is a string and the () indicates it is an array).

In your code you would then populate this array before calling the dialog.

Here is some sample code and what the dialog looks like after.

So hopefully I answered your question.  There are more advanced ways to populate the dialog but this is the simpliest.


rini joy Thu, 07/06/2017 - 07:00

Thanks Brian,
The control cirSimpleList is a control available with Smart Analyzer SDK 3.0 from Audicon. This will  be designed using Visual Stuido project and will be loaded from idea script. So we have to populate values in this control  from Idea script or from Visual studio project. However values will be read from idea script only.

Brian Element Thu, 07/06/2017 - 07:21

Hi Rini,

Sorry, I hadn't realized that you were talking about SmartAnalzyer, I knew I had seen that control before but couldn't remember from where.  Which version of the SDK are you using?  I am playing with the latest but I am not an expert on it and I have never used the cirSimpleList so you might want to ask your question of Audicon as they could give you a more knowledeable answer.
