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How to append a field between 2 fields

I have to append a field between 2 fields.
Suppose I have fields like ID, NAME, SALARY, DEPARTMENT, PHONE etc in my database.
I have to add a new field NETSALARY between SALARY and DEPARTMENT fields. Equation for NETSALARY field will be (SALARY-500).
How can I do this using idea script?

Brian Element Fri, 12/25/2015 - 07:27

Hi Shafeer,

Unfortunately there is no direcct way to do this.  The append field adds the fields to the end of the database.  There are a few ways to change this, such as creating a view with the proper order and then loading it using the 

Client.OpenView "LocalEmployee.VW2"

or you could do an extract and use the task.AddFieldToInc to list the order that you want the fields to appear.
