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Let's try that again.
I'm trying to write a piece of code in ideascript that will open a word document and insert a file address at a bookmark location.
I'm getting an error message that the "Paramater is incorrect"
Any help on this would be appreciated
Here's the code:
 QBMail = "D:\IDEA\Test.docx"
MyAdd = D:\TemporaryLocation"
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(QBMail)
          if wrdDoc.Bookmarks.exists("MyAdd") then
                    wrdDoc.Hyperlinks.add(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("MyAdd").Range, MyAdd)
          end if

Brian Element Fri, 03/21/2014 - 06:30

Hi Marc, I haven't done much work incorporating IDEA with word.  So give me a few days and I will see if I can come up with anything.  Thanks for posting the code.

Brian Element Fri, 03/26/2021 - 07:10

Hi Gabriel,

Here is a simple script that will open from internet explorer.