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IDEA Changes Null values to 0 ( zero )

Hi , 
When I try to create a virtual numeric field for my Seller_ID which is a numeric record but it has character data type in database. Idea changes null vaules of my seller_id when I use @val or @justnumbers .
I need my null vaules , I dont want to see them as zero.
Can you help ? 
Best regards , 

Brian Element Tue, 01/22/2019 - 07:31

Hello gunesinal and welcome to the site.

The problem is that you are changing a character field to a numeric field so if it is blank you will have a 0.  If you want to keep it as blank that is not possible, the only way to keep it as a blank is by keeping it as a character.  Why are you changing it to numeric?  There might be another way to do this if I know what you are trying to accomplish with this.
