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Identifying Events about to unfold in 'X' Months from a Dynamic System Date

Hello Group Members,

As part of future event preparedness we may often be required to identify events which will unfold or present themselves 'X' months from a dynamic system date.
To give an example - bank deposits which will mature in 'X' months from a dynamic system date to ensure sufficient liquidity is in place to service these payouts.
Also ~ Contracts which will expire in 'X' months (Lease Contracts, Consultant Contracts, Facility Contracts and more). This is critical to ensure ongoing operations of your Client's business without any disruption.
Membership Renewals which will fall due in the near future for timely renewal and revenue recognition.
So to identify such events into the future we can use and apply Direct Extraction in IDEA will the criteria ~
@month(Bank Deposit Maturity Date) = @month(@date()) + 6
In the criteria above, IDEA will extract all bank deposits maturing in 6 months from today's system date.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team