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Import ACCDB with password from Script

Hi, my question is how to import a accdb file with password from the IS.
With ADODB (Connection and RS) object I can enter and read all items from db but can't import into a table on IDEA.
Any suggestion?
PS: Btw, IDEA can't neither import manually a MS Access file with password. (ODBC is NOT a way for this case)

Brian Element Fri, 09/21/2018 - 05:38

Hi UnfisiC and welcome to the site.

Unfortunately my only suggestion for this question is that you contact CaseWare IDEA support as they might have the answer.  I have never dealt with a MS Access database that was password protected.

Good luck.


Ale Franzoni Fri, 09/21/2018 - 19:36

In reply to by Brian Element

Thanks Brian for reply,
I have managed to solve it, how? Easy, I get the data from the db with password then with it, create a file and import it to IDEA. All from scratch and works like a charm!
I'll make some improvements to the code and I think it will be very good alternative to import files with password that IDEA can't handle.

edwards142 Wed, 07/29/2020 - 03:48

I haven’t tried importing the ACCDB file with password from Script. For this will be very grateful if you share such an idea with me also.
As few days back I have stuck in a situation where I need to remove Access database password (…). Somehow I have overcome this issue. So now I want to gather every pinch of detail related to the ACCDB file password which will definitely help me in the future.
Please don’t forget to share your the idea of how to import ACCDB file with password from Script, with me also once you get it.