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Importing csv file separated with "Other" delimiter

I'm trying to import .csv file into IDEA (database around 2,5 GB) where is used separator ";?;" = more than 2 characters.
Is it possible to use some Script or something which is able to use more than 2 character delimiter?
Thanks in advance.

DanHoep Thu, 10/11/2018 - 09:25

Hi Kudrnis,
you could use the report reader, using a floating layer to read data from files with a delimiter exceeding 2 characters.

Kudrnis Thu, 10/11/2018 - 17:33

I'm not sure whether I understand what you mean :). In .csv file ";?;" is used as a delimiter. So you mean that i select floating layer and trap all ";?;"  ? I tried this but this was not working becouse some columns are empty. Any other solutions?

Brian Element Fri, 10/12/2018 - 07:56

Hi Kudrnis,

Another option is to break the file into smaller pieces and then bring each piece into a text editor like Notepad ++ and do a find replace and replace all your ";?:" with the "|" or something similar and then import them into IDEA and do an append to create the original file.  I have just posted a script I use when I need to break a large text file into smaller components ( so that I can go in and make corrections to the file.

I will think about doing a script for larger traps but this will take a bit of time and if the work around that Dnaiel suggested (which is a good option) doesn't seem to work for you then you can try this option.

