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Multistate Fields in IDEA and Legends against these Fields in MS-Excel

Hello Group Members,
As an IDEA User you can append ‘Multistate Fields’ to any database in IDEA. ‘Multistate Fields’ allow users to place specific tags like check marks, cross marks, question marks or blanks against each line item in a database of potential findings generated out of any feature in IDEA. By a single click inside any cell against a line item the user can change the tag from a click to a cross to a question mark and a blank. This allows for both efficient and effective Audit Finding Management - Tracking, Reporting, Compliance and Resolution.
Now when you Export this file of potential findings with the Multistate Field to say MS-Excel, the Multistate Field in the Excel File will appear with 1, 0, 3 or -1. 1 represents the check, 0 the cross, 3 the question mark and -1 the blank.
Now if you would like to apply a Comment against each of these tags within IDEA itself so that you have a comment in Excel upon Export rather than 1, 0, 3 or -1, then you can append a virtual character field in IDEA through Data - Append with a length of say 25 and name ‘Multistate Comments’ with a Criteria in the Equation Editor as below ~
@compif(Multistate Field No = 1, “Audit Finding”, Multistate Field No = 0, “No Audit Finding”, Multistate Field No = 3, “Under Review”, 1, “”)
So through the above field one can get the comments “Audit Finding”, “No Audit Finding”, “Under Review” in MS - Excel. This allows for further pivoting and visual representations if required for “Number of Findings for Audit Finding”, “Count of Under Review Findings” and more - Year, Period, Location, Process, Auditor Team Lead wise.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team