Nested @Functions in IDEA - Relevance and Utility
@Functions in IDEA allow for the following -
- Data Sanitization
- Data Conversion
- Data Preparation
- Data Integrity Checks
- Arithmetical Computations
- Conditional / What If Computations
- Fraud Analytics
- Ratio Analysis
and much more.
Over 100+ @Functions in IDEA span Character, Date, Numeric and Time fields.
Most of the time we may use @Functions in isolation like @len(Bank Account Number) to check the validity of the subject bank accounts.
To get more out of IDEA try to use nested @Functions if the situation demands.
A nested @Functions is an @Function within another @Function.
So if we apply @strip(@upper(Vendor Invoice Number)) to prepare the data to look for duplicate vendor invoices we bring together the efficacy of two powerful @Functions simultaneously.
The inner @upper(Vendor Invoice Number) will first convert the letters in the Vendor Invoice Number to upper case. Once done the outer @strip will remove all special characters and spaces from the virtual upper case field. This operation will increase your chances substantially of locating duplicate vendor invoices over a plain simple duplicate on the base invoice number field.
Kind Regards