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New Job

Hello everyone, if you have been wondering why I am not around as much as I have used to be it is because I have changed jobs.  After 30+ years with the government of Canada I have retired and joined CaseWare IDEA as an Industry Strategist (Solutions Lead) on their Industry Team.  This will be a great challenge but after five weeks with the company I am loving it.  Because of this change I no longer have time to keep up with the boards on a constant basis, also I no longer have the time to create special scripts for people.  If you have suggestions you can leave them and I will consider them as something we might do internally for the IDEALab.  You might have also noticed that the IDEALab is no longer part of this site.  The IDEALab will be incorporated directly with IDEA 11.1 so you will be able to download these tests directly through IDEA.

