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newbie question extract latest record by customer

I'm new to IDEA so apologies if this is a basic question.
I'm trying to extract by customer the latest record (based on date) from a data file.
I'm not sure how I do this  I know I can summarise to get the unique customers but not sure how to extrac only the latest record
Is this possible using the built in functions

Steven Luciani Wed, 10/17/2018 - 09:01

Hello raycrane,

You can use IDEA's Top records extraction feature. It is found on the analysis tab in the Extract group.

Note that the field you choose in the Top records for: pick list will sort this field in descending order so in your situation the lastest date in the data per customer (the grouping below) will be the top record for each customer. Set the number of records to extract a 1 or however many records per customer you want.

Good luck with your analysis
