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Reading statistics in Idea externally

Hello All,
I am a new user to IDEA and have limited knowledge in the tool usage. So i have two quetions ...
1)  I am trying to read the "Statistics" section externally via a tool named Alteryx which has record count, total net of columns, etc etc  which shows up when we upload a file. I would like to know if there are any log files which stores these information once a file is loaded.
2) in similar way is there any log file which stores information on the selected SMART ANALYZER routine for a particular process ? for example if an user selects Routine 1 and routine 2 to run on a file . then i would like to know if any log i created / or where to find the log that stores the selected information.
Thanks in Advance.

Brian Element Wed, 06/14/2017 - 10:38

Hi VR and welcome to the site.

I will try and answer your two questions.

1) The field statistics are stored as part of the imd file and you don't have access to them externally.  How you could go about doing it is running an IDEAScript that would export the fields statistics to a text file as the field statistics are available through the IDEAScript but this would mean running a script after you have performed the import.

2) The log information is part of the Smart Analyzer routine, once you have run routine 1 you can do a right click to see the log file.  The problem is what is stored in the log file depends on what the programmer wants stored in it so there is no standard format.

Hopefully this helps you out.
