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Remove Actionfield

Hello together,
I would like to know, if there is a possibility, to remove an actionfield from IDEA (v 8.0.5) with a script, similar easys as   field.SetActionfieldForExtraction ...
Additional question:in the topic    Gerold had a script to read the parameters of an actionfield, that starts a macro:field.GetActionFieldForIDEAScript sMakroPfad, lTyp1, sParam1, lTyp2, sParam2, lTyp3, sParam3, lTyp4, sParam4But if one of the parameters #2-4 is the number of the line of the database where you clicked on the actionfield, this parameter writes itself in the sParam1. So it isn't possible to read this first parameter.
Is there a fix for this bug and is it fixed in IDEA 10 (in IDEA 9 there is no actionfield any more, if I read this forum correctly).
With kind regards from Stuttgart,Martin.