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Remove unnecessary records

Hi all, i need some help with a script i'm writing, it's a financial analysys, for debit and credit movements.
First i'm direct extracting by two criterias and because of that it creates me 2 new databases (the criterias are the account numbers).
After that i need to append them and do a new direct extraction with some new criteria (the criteria is the amount).
After this final database created i join it with the base database to have all combining records, so i have the full details wich records on debit and credit from wich account and the amounts for all the records.
After that i need to remove the movements that are unnecessary because is just a contablistic movement from one account to the other, and is one this one that i need help cause all the other routines befores are simple direct extractions, append and join functions.
Hope i can express myself in the best way, and thanks in adavnce for the help.

Brian Element Thu, 11/15/2018 - 12:29

Hello and welcome to the site.

I am not sure if I am following you.  Is there any chance you can create a small spreadsheet and walk through what you are trying to do starting with your source data and then showing the results you are looking for.  This will allow anyone to gain a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish.



FilipePT Thu, 11/22/2018 - 15:27

Hi Brian,
And sorry for the late response, attached is the semi-final result and what i want to do is to remove all documents that have the 2digit account 11 and 12 that the value of one - the other =0, and i want a to do it in a automatic way, i'm doing it comparing some text and its not secure to do in this way cause every case is different from the previous one.
Thank you in advance

Brian Element Mon, 11/26/2018 - 11:15

Hi and thanks for the spreadsheet.  I am assuming that the Folha1 is the semi-final result?  For the accounts 11 and 12 do you mean that the accounts starting with 11 and 12 and the removal is by document?  So for Document  10012 they would not be removed as 112 and 116 of $2641.38 is differnet from -3,408.40 for account 12081?  Looking through the Folha1 the only one I see that might be removed is document 9979 so could you update my understanding.

