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The Savvy Visual Script

Hi All,

IDEA's Visual Script is versatile and dynamic in nature.

Lets say you have recorded a Visual Script for date wise, product wise, tenor wise, amount wise, constitution wise variation in interest on loans using Duplicate Key Exclusion.

Now you would like to extend the Visual Script to reflect the 'Max' and 'Min' interest on loans per combination of date, product, tenor, amount and borrower constitution using Summarization.

You need not redo the Visual Script. Just open the Visual Script, drag and drop the Summarization task into the existing Visual Script and your Script is updated.

But while doing this make sure you first drag and drop the child database arising out of the Duplicate Key Exclusion on to the Duplicate Key Exclusion task in the Visual Script. Then drag and drop the Summarization.

This will ensure the Summarization task will perform on the child database arising out of the Duplicate Key Exclusion and not the parent file.

Finally, do remember, if you are not comfortable with program code activities through the IDEA Script, voila, you have the Visual Script.

Kind Regards
