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Select a IDEA Server Project

Hey everyone,
I hope I will be able to explain the issue we are having at our company but here we go. We have a few macro's running every thursday and those macro's generate new databases on our IDEA Server. Because the management doesn't  use IDEA but uses Tableau I wrote an export script that exports these databases as Excel files so that I can use them in Tableau. The macro works fine when I have the project open, but when I want to use the macro with the IDEA Server scheduler it says completed but it does not work. I'm using the LocateDatabaseOnServer function but because the databases are in 1 of the many server projects IDEA is not finding the databases. All I have to do is be able to say "Use project("my project name")" but I can't find how to do this. Can anyone help me out!!!!
Thank you and with kind regards

Brian Element Fri, 05/24/2019 - 11:00

Hi Ivo,

Unfortunately I can't give any recommendations on this as I have never worked in the IDEA Server environment.  Hopefully someone else can help you out or you might want to send your question to your distributor as they would hopefully know the answer.


osaajah Tue, 05/28/2019 - 13:54

Hi Ivo,
I have got same problem as yours. After explaining the case to Caseware Support, they said that it is IDEA Server bug and knows as bug #86216.
Based on my observation when running script in IDEA Server, there are some functions that able to run in IDEA Desktop (IDEA application is opened) but failed when running as automation (IDEA applicaition is closed / using IDEA Server scheduler).  They are:

  • ProjectManagement.LocateDatabaseOnServer
  • ProjectManagement.LocateLibraryItemOnServer
  • ProjectManagement.UploadToLibrary
  • Client.DeleteDatabase

I think the main reason is that IDEA Desktop continuously conduct synchronizing with metadata in SQL Server.When script is running as automation and IDEA Desktop is closed, the metadata is not synchronized. So the script will fail because it can not find the database or library item needed.
And the bad news is bug #86216 still not fixed in the latest IDEA Server 10.4.1.
Caseware Support gave me a workaround solution by manually accessing the metadata in SQL Server as you can find in "SampleSC (2).iss" script attached.  But the sample script still only works if the script is running when IDEA Desktop opened.  And still produces error when the script is running as automation.