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Smart Analyzer

Hi Brian,
I have two queries.
1. I just wanted to know if is it possible to find the script or logic behind smart analyzer app.
2. How do i build a app which can be shared and used in smart analyzer of other users or is it possible only through marketplace?

Brian Element Fri, 12/08/2017 - 09:41

Hi Padma,

I will try and answer your questions.

1. It depends, there are ways in SmartAnalyzer to protect your intellectual property so if the developer has used those it would be very difficult to figure it out.  If they didn't then you should be able to see the logic through the history.

2. To do this you need to get a copy of the SmartAnalyzer SDK and take training on how to use it.  Once you have this you can start developing SA apps.  You can develop apps for just your company and not go through the marketplace but there are different licensing rules around that and you would have to talk to Audicon who are the developers and managers of smart analyzer.

Hopefully this helps you out a bit.
