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Standard Error Message Handling in the Equation Editor - Mismatch Field Type

Hello Group Members,

Continuing with our earlier post on 'Standard Error Message Handling in the Equation Editor - Syntax Error', we now look at the error category 'Mismatch Field Type'.
'Mismatch Field Type' in essence is the application of an incompatible or inconsistent Field Type with the actual native Field Type of your criteria / expression / condition.
Let us understand this error category with an example ~
In a Bank Fixed Deposit data dump you would like to ascertain (filter out / extract) deposits where the Deposit Start Date is before the Fund Receipt Date from the Depositor.
To capture such potential exceptions one would apply the expression / criteria / condition - 
Deposit Start Date < Fund Receipt Date
where Deposit Start Date and Fund Receipt Date are fields in the underlying data dump imported to IDEA.
Now upon validation of the criteria if you get an error - 'Mismatch Field Type' it would mean that while normally both the fields (viz Deposit Start Date and Fund Receipt Date) need to be in a Date format (native field format) for the criteria to be valid, one of the Fields is not in a Date format - hence incompatible or inconsistent Field Type with the actual native Field Type.
This can be resolved by going to Field Manipulation and modifying the field type of the Field which is not Date to Date and applying a suitable date mask by the side to convert from say Character / Numeric to Date.
Let us take another example with an @Function()
You wish to perform a dynamic date Aging analysis on a data dump of open Customer Complaints in a CRM Review. So you set about appending a virtual numeric field titled 'Age Complaint Resolution' and use the criteria @age(@date(), Complaint Date). Here Complaint Date is a field from the underlying database. @Date() is used to arrive at the System Date and @age() will provide the difference in the dynamic System Date and the Complaint Date.
Now if your field Complaint Date is not in a Date format, you will receive an error notification - 'Mismatch Field Type'.
Once again to handle this situation, you can navigate to Field Manipulation and modify the field 'Complaint Date' from Character / Numeric to Date using a suitable date mask and then apply the criteria.
Tomorrow we look at the error category - 'Invalid Parameter'.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team