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Summarizing by date

I'm trying to make a summarize to obtain the minimum date of certain groups, but IDEA only allow me to do it by numeric fields. I would like to know is there is a way in wich I can do that. I'm thinking of converting that field to numeric, doing the summaize, and then rollback the convertion, but I'm not sure if there is a function in IDEA for that.

Brian Element Mon, 03/15/2021 - 13:52

Hi jsandoval,

You should be able to summarize by date, I am not sure why it is only allowing you to do it by numeric fields.  Can you share any screens or more info on this?

You can also use the field statistics to optain the minimum date.  There is also the Top records that allow you to pull off the bottom records to obtain the date.

In the equation editor if you use field stats you can also obtain the minimum date.

If you do a stratification on a date field it should default to the earliest date when creating the bands.

As you can see there are many ways to obtain the minimum date.   If you give some more info maybe I someone can recommend the best way to do it.