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Unable to view/display Numeric Fields in Control Total

Hello Group Members,

The Control Total is used to display a single Numeric Total at a time for any Numeric field of our choice in the underlying database. Its utility lies in having a quick backward Numeric Total reconciliation to the host system from where the data is fetched to prove the completeness and accuracy of the underlying data imported to IDEA.
At times we find ourselves missing Numeric Fields within the Control Total view under the Properties toolbar on the right side of the IDEA screen. The Control Total view displays a blank screen with no Numeric Fields to display. This happens when all the fields of the underlying data imported to IDEA are captured in IDEA as Character fields or Character / Date / Time fields - but not a single Numeric field.
We may be given to believe that the import process has failed to meet its purpose. This is far from the fact.
If you go into the data through Field Manipulation (double-click on any cell in the active database). In the Field Manipulation view you can scroll from top to down and locate any single field which should have been Numeric (logically) but has been captured as Character on import. Once you locate the field, click on Character by the side of the field and change to Numeric.
Now once you re-generate Control Total you will notice that Field appears in the Control Total display view.
The same theme works for Field Statistics too.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team