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The Utility of the Fields Tab in IDEA Dialog Boxes

Hello Group Members,

Every function in IDEA be it Duplicate Key Detection, Join, Summarization, Direct Extraction and other significant features has a relatively unused tab amongst the IDEA user community. The Field tab.
While as users we are used to clicking on the Key tab to select field for duplicate checking or the Match tab to join / connect two files, the Field Tab provides valuable field display benefits to the recipient of the report from IDEA.
 Through the Field tab, the user developing the Report in IDEA can be selective on fields to select which will form part of the Output Report. The fields to display should be so selected that they assist with Report Validation and spur the Auditee to action (compliance) on the findings in the Report.
So if we generate a report of High Value Journal adjustments on weekends or public holidays, and the base data from the Finance and Accounts module of the Client contains over 50 fields, using the Fields tab, one can limit the Output Report of High Value Journal adjustments on weekends or public holidays to just few fields like Accounting Document Number, Transaction Date, General Ledger Account Number, Cost Centre, Amount, Narration, Approver ID.
This keeps the Report relevant, simple and easy to act upon.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team