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IS Multi File Import


Note that this application has not yet been released in SmartAnazlyer


IS Multi File Import

The IS Multi File Import allows you to import multiple files in one pass.  The application handles the following file types:

  • dBase
  • Microsoft Access
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Print Report and Adobe PDF
  • Text Fixed Length
  • Text Delimited
  • XML

Please note:

The application is a standalone application and cannot be run in batch mode as once you start the application there will be several menus depending on the file type selected.  For file types that need a definition all the files must use the same definition.

Using the SmartAnalyzer application

The IS Multi File Import can be found under the IS Fraud Tool Kit – Utilities.


When you first fun the application you will be shown the following dialog:


First select one of the eight file types.  These types are the same as what appears in the IDEA import assistant.  Select the file directory, this is where all the files that you wish to import are stored.  This application only allows you to import files from the same directory, it does not handle multiple directories.  The directory can contain other files as you will be given the option to select one or more files from the selected directory for import.  If the file type needs a record definition then the Select Definition button will be enables, the following file types need a record definition:

  • Print Report and Adobe PDF
  • Text Fixed Length
  • Text Delimited
  • XML

Select the proper definition for the file type.

There is also an option to include the filename in import, if this is selected a field will be created in the imported file to contains the name of the source file.

There are also options to include Record Numbers in your imported file and to Generate Field Statistics.

Once the options have been selected you will then be given the option to select the files to import.


The left-hand list box contains the files associated with the file type found in the selected directory.  The following files are associated with these file types:

  • dBase - *.dbf
  • Microsoft Access - *.mdb or *.accdb
  • Microsoft Excel - *.xls or *.xlsx
  • Print Report and Adobe PDF, EBCDIC, Text Fixed Length and Text Delimited – all files
  • XML - *.xml

There are several ways to transfer the files to the right-hand list box.  The >> button and the << button transfer all files between the list boxes. The < and > buttons transfer the selected files between the list boxes.  It is possible to perform multiple selections by using the CTRL and Shift keys.  You can also use the mouse button to highlight multiple selections.

Once the files have been selected select OK to continue or Cancel to return to the previous menu.

Depending on the file type there may be another dialog that will ask for additional information.  The following file types need additional information:

  • Microsoft Access


These options are the same as what is used in the Import Assistant for Microsoft Access.  There is also an option to import all the Access Database tables, if this is not selected the application will only import the first table.

  • Microsoft Excel


The first two options are the same as what is used in the Import Assistant for Microsoft Excel.  The last option, Import All Worksheets, allows the importation of all the worksheets within the spreadsheet, Excel must be imported for this option to work.   If this is not selected then only the first worksheet is imported.

  • Text Delimited


If the first row contains the field name then select this option.


Once all the dialogs have been completed the SmartAnalyzer application will import all the files selected.  Depending on the number of files, the file size and power of the computer this could take several minutes to several hours.  It is possible to stop the import of files by selecting the Stop button for the test.  If Stop is selected the current import will be completed and then the imports will stop. 

Once the application has completed the file explorer will refresh and show the files that have been imported.