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Copy a column

Hi Brain,
Can we copy column data (all data in a column) from one IMD file, and paste this column to other IMD file.

Brian Element Tue, 05/29/2018 - 09:50

Hi Jiyaji,

That sounds like a join where you take information from one file and put it in another based on a common key.  Such as having a GL transaction file with a Vendor ID and a vendor file with the Vendor name.  You join on the Vendor ID so that now all the transactions have the vendor name.  Is this what you are looking for or are you thinking of something different?



Jiyajijp Tue, 05/29/2018 - 10:30

In reply to by Brian Element

When we are creating a join, then it will create a new sub file. I dont need a sub file. 
Now from that sub file, i need to copy a column and paste to the parent file.

Brian Element Tue, 05/29/2018 - 12:51

In reply to by Jiyajijp

The only way to add a field to the parent by not creating a new file is to create an IDEAScript to do it.  Maybe what you want to do is perform a join, delete the parent file, rename the sub file the same as the parent and then it becomes the same file with the extra field you want to include.

I am assuming that this information is coming from another file?  Or can your field be created using a virtual field?


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