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Find in IDEA Vs MS-Excel

Hello Group Members,

The Find feature in MS-Excel and IDEA both serve the same purpose of looking for any element of data in an underlying data set on a quick search basis.
Let's say you are looking for the presence of the value 19500 in an Employee Travel Claim Reimbursement file when you know the per transaction approval limit is 20000
In MS- Excel you type in Control and F for Find. In the Find box in Excel you enter the search value 19500 and Excel will take you to the first value 19500 anywhere in the data.
However in IDEA it works differently. Type Control and F for Find. This brings up the Find dialog box where through the Criteria (Equation Editor) you can specify 
Claim Amount = 19500
This will take you to the first occurrence of 19500 in the field Claim Amount in your data. So in IDEA it is essential to enter the Field Name (Claim Amount), Arithmetical Operator (=) and Value (19500) through the Equation Editor to get the first amount hit on 19500 in the field Claim Amount.
Now once you get the hit on 19500 you can simple right click on 19500 and apply Display All Records Containing 19500 to filter out all the 19500 claim amounts in the data in a single view.
Group Admin Team