Modify Criteria
Is there a way to grab the current critera and then change it without extracting a database? For example, say I import a general ledger into IDEA that has 5 columns:
1) Customer_Name
2) Debit
3) Credit
4) Reference
5) Account_Number
Each reference number is a unique journal entry that has both the credits and debits. So, suppose I isolate the records to revenue accounts that have a credit greater than $200,000. Suppose it results in 10 records, and I want to see where the other side of the entry is. Is there a way to grab the current criteria, grab the reference number from each of the visible records, then change the criteria to display them all? What I currently have is:
Sub Main
Dim db As database
dim newCriteria as string
On Error Resume Next
Set db = Client.CurrentDatabase()
Set rs = db.RecordSet
' This is where I want to grab the current criteria, not hardcode it
rs.Criteria = "Account_Number = 4000 .and. Credit >= 200000"
newCriteria = "@list(REFERENCE,"
On Error GoTo EndOfRecordSet
For i = 1 To db.Count
newCriteria = newCriteria &"," & I'm not sure how to add quotations to a string & rs.ActiveRecord.GetCharValue("REFERENCE") & """
MsgBox "No records found"
Exit Sub
newCriteria = newCriteria & ")"
'This is where I would put the new criteria in and display the records to the user
End Sub
Unfortunately you can't use
Unfortunately you can't use IDEAScript to display records. It has to create a new database or if you want to display them then it would be done through a message box or a dialog. Is that what you are looking for or are you looking for the display (filter) option when you do a criteria on a database?