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The Two 'Find' Features in IDEA

Hello Group Members,

IDEA houses two 'Find' features.
The first is Data - Fields - Find and the other is Data - Search - Find.
In the menu toolbar under Data and Fields you will sight Find. This Find is a quick and seamless method to look for any field of your choice in the active database.
Let us say your active database has 50 fields (columns). You need to zero - in right away on the field (column) 'Value Date'. By clicking on V through your key pad under Data - Fields - Find, IDEA will take you to the first field beginning with V. Keep clicking on V till it takes you to Value Date in the Field Listing under Find. Now enter and the cursor will directly take you to the first cell value under the field Value Date in the active database.
This makes your navigation within IDEA quite convenient and allows you to work efficiently towards meeting your analytical goal.
On the other hand, Data - Search - Find is your classic Control + F (i.e. look for a particular value or string or date in the active database)
Now let us say you are looking for transactions having a 'Value Date' - 25th December 2018 (i.e. - Value Dates affected on Christmas Day).
By entering 25.12.2018 in the Find box you will not get the desired result. You need to enter the full equation / criteria / expression -
Value Date = "20181225" in the Equation Editor and IDEA will highlight the first row / transaction / record in the active database affected on Christmas Day.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team