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Report Reader - Tagging Headers to the Transactions

Hello Group Members,

Most of the Print Report / Text / PDF Reports have a format with a Transaction Header followed by a bunch of Transactions. Take the case of a Debtors Ledger which has the Debtor Code and Debtor Name in the Transaction Header with the List of Transactions for the Debtors in the Transaction Layer.
Here we require the Transaction Header to get linked or tagged to the Transaction uniformly and consistently without any break in linking.
So while one selects the Transaction Header in the Report Reader as the Append Layer post Base Layer definition, by using the Attribute setting 'Use Value from Previous Record' for the fields Debtor Code and Debtor Name, the Debtor Code and Name will get uniformly linked and applied to each Transaction. This is as against the default setting 'Leave Blank' which will apply the Debtor Code and Name only to the first transaction and leave the others blank.
This rule will apply to all Reports like General Ledger, Inventory Ledger, Creditors Ledger, Fixed Assets Register and more containing Transaction Headers.
In the next post we examine 'Scan for Errors'.
Best Regards
Group Admin Team